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Posting rules

Every day we strive to make our resource better and more useful for users and employers. In this regard, we constantly monitor the order and purity of our resource. Please contribute to the development of our site and follow this simple publishing rules.

1. Following posts will be blocked

1.1. Ads without clear purpose. 'Someone to something'.
1.2. Ads for anyone's. No typefaces and "come on, everybody, we'll find something to do for you."
1.3. Ads with contacts in the description area.
1.4. Ads containing many spelling errors and inappropriate punctuation marks. (For example, three or more exclamation points after each sentence!!! Writing of all words by BIG DIGITS, etc.)
1.5. With little information headings. For example: "Urgent!" or "Woman required!".
1.6. Ads with the choice of category that do not correspond to the direct subject matter of the project in which ads is conducted.
1.7. Same ads published in less than 24 hours.

2. The following violations will remove ads regardless of payment, it may also result in blocking access to the site

If you was blocked for paid casting or account that violates publication rules, the money is not refunded.

2.1. Insulting and/or violating human rights and freedoms, the laws of the country in which the ads takes place.
2.2. Ads with requirements for people under 18 years of age, or underage regarding your country law.
2.3. Animal related ads
2.4. Ads not related to professional activities corresponding to the objectives of our site.
2.5. Fradulent ads.